Do Braces Hurt?

Smiling With Braces

General soreness from braces treatment

Getting braces can be an exciting moment! We know, we know – you’re nervous about getting braces and you’re wondering if braces hurts.

The process of getting braces put on your teeth does not hurt. Since braces are new to your teeth, it is normal to feel discomfort and soreness the first few days. You may feel that some of the appliances are rough and irritating your inner lips, but please be assured that as time goes on, this feeling will subside.

Tighten braces during adjustment appointment

There may also be a feeling of tightness or sensitivity in your teeth after your regular adjustment appointments. Braces work by adding pressure on your teeth and slowly moving them into the correct position. Our orthodontists will carefully plan and track your braces treatment every orthodontic visit. Your braces will be tightened and adjusted to ensure your braces are effectively moving your teeth. What are some ways to relive braces pain? 

7 Ways to Relieve Braces Pain

  1. Keep your lower and upper teeth apart from one another.
  2. Eat softer food. Avoid hard and chewy food. Please read our article safe food to eat with braces here.
  3. Rinse with warm salt water 4 times a day.
  4. If you have mouthsore, rinse GUM Rinciol.
  5. If you have canker, apply a small amount of GUM Canker-X onto the area.
  6. If the braces is poking your cheek, apply orthodontic wax to cover the bracket or wire. Schedule an appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible.
  7. You can also take over the counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Advil.

After braces treatment

At the end your braces treatment, the process of removing braces is not painful.  For some cases, if you have wisdom teeth coming in, your orthodontist may recommend you get them removed. 

Your orthodontist will fit you for a retainer.  Retainers are custom made for you and will help to keep your teeth in their newly corrected positions. It will prevents your teeth from moving back to their original positions. Since the retainer are new, you might feel tightness the first few days. Over time, the retainer will feel more comfortable.

Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics

Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics is your New York City braces and Invisalign’s Top 1% Diamond Provider. We offer a complete range of orthodontic treatment options from metal and clear braces, Invisalign, and Phase 1 Early treatment.

Ready for straighter teeth and an improved smile?

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